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We provide on the job training and skill development programs at all our concerns. Regular lessons conducted by our skilled mentors, instills the knowledge and skill set required by the workforce. This has proved to have a positive impact on efficiency and production. Our employees are at the center of our business and focusing on their advancement is one of our prime responsibilities.
Day care centers are stationed at all our Garments Division factories. They ensure care and security for the children while their mothers devote their time at work. Our day care centers are stated to be a blessing by the mothers; as it provides essential development classes, involvement in games and cultural activities and nourishments a child needs to help grow up with. With a huge number of dependent mothers working at our organization, we aspire to make them carry on their duties unconstrained.
All our establishments being fully Fire and Safety Compliant have modern fire extinguishing systems with pump houses and hose setups, sufficient fire extinguishers adjusted at designated spots, heat and smoke detectors, water sprinklers; followed with regular fire drills to keep all employees aware and alert. A dedicated fire control team is on standby 24/7 monitoring from the control room and carrying out inspections ensuring safety for all.
We have given excessive priority in assembling CAD setup in our Garments Division units. They are equipped with the latest machines to deliver best results in the shortest time possible. We have seen comprehensive advancement with our production quality, redundancy in wastage and faulty design, less time in securing client’s approval; resulting in lowering manufacturing costs. With frequent fashion and design variations in the apparel industry, the CAD setup along with our dedicated designers have been a major asset and will be a driving force in the coming years.
Along with a healthy working environment we pursue in providing a healthy living guideline for all our respected employees. We have established health care/medical facilities in all our factories. There are teams of highly qualified doctors working round the clock to assist the employees with their medical checkups and health needs.
Some of our establishments have dedicated gyms for executives, clients and guests visiting the factory. They have been setup with fitness equipment and standardized recreational options to help an individual de-stress. We strongly believe in having a healthy body and mind to deliver the best output at the optimum level.
Plot – 33, Section 7, Mirpur
Dhaka – 1216, Bangladesh
Phone: +880 – 2 – 48036483 – 4
Fax: +880 – 2 – 8900897
Lotus Kamal Tower ONE ( Level 1, 6, 7, 8 & 12)
57, Joar Sahara C/A, Nikunja – 2
New Airport Road, Dhaka – 1229. Bangladesh
Phone: +88 02 – 8900066 – 7, +88 02 – 8900696 – 7
Fax: +88 02 – 890089
E-mail: evince@evincebd.com
Website: www.evincegroupbd.com
Contact us for general queries
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